

The Participatory Local Development Strategy (PLDS) is a document designed collectively, in which the needs and potential resources of a given area are identified through a bottom-up participatory process. It is the basic document that establishes which actions and projects are the most suitable for the maritime, fishing and aquaculture development in Mallorca. It is developed within the framework of the European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (FEMPA) and is materialized with economic allocations to promote the actions and projects previously defined in the EDLP. It is, therefore, the key planning document for the period and reflects which actions can be financed and how.


Objective 1


To achieve the modernization and digitalization of the sector, the use and implementation of new technologies and the generation and use of applied scientific knowledge, which will help maintain the sustainability of the activity.


Objective 2

Improve the economic performance of the sector and its efficiency: improve marketing, promote the product, reduce costs and improve other complementary activities.

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Objective 3


Promote the collaboration with other regions and administrations in the search for synergies and joint solutions. This, in addition to involving the sector in decision making.


Objective 4

Improve the image of the fishing sector, promoting its character as a basic, social and cultural industry, seeking to increase its attraction among young people and women and improving the access and training conditions.

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